Monday, October 02, 2006

A man to remember ( and to practice??!!)/ Gandhi revisited

Recently, Lage raho munnabhai a bollywood movie had created a whole new wave about Gandhism. I happened to see the movie and as an entertainer it was nowhere near Munnabhai M.B.B.S. but I must say that I felt good at the end of the day for the message it carried (Gandhigiri). I must also confess that it had induced me to read more about Gandhi, father of our nation and a man who inspired the likes of Martin Luther king and Nelson Mandela. I started to debate within myself about his relevance in today’s world, how feasible his principles are to practice and how much those principles hold good today. Here are my thoughts………

A glimpse of Gandhism

Satya (Truth) and Ahimsa (non-violence) are two pillars of Gandhism. Brahmacharya (celibacy), Vegetarianism (rather tee-total), respect for other religions were also his main principles. Gandhi used fasting as a form of protest and to exert mental control.

Gandhigiri in 2006

I personally consider celibacy and vegetarianism are illogical in today’s context for very obvious reasons. This leaves us with the pillars of Gandhism namely Satya and Ahimsa.Are both these principles practicable?

Yes and No

On a broader context, as a nation if we start enacting laws or act based upon Gandhian principles it would mean that we are being soft towards terrorist minds and people like Mohd. Afsal guru would go unscathed. And when Pakistan makes another kargil like attempt we as ahimsa vadis will be gifting whole Kashmir to Pakistan. Likewise Ladakh and Sikkim to China, Assam to ULFA, Nagaland to Naga Rebel group which would ultimately lead to disintegration of India and she would cease to exist in the future.

But when it comes to day-to-day deeds it could certainly be inculcated in our own way. It would definitely make a world of good when it is applied in personal life and make the world a better place to live. In the society, it could be a tool to fight corruption (as in the movie), dishonesty, immorality etc., but certainly it would need a mass movement headed by a mass leader like Gandhi or wait for the great Gandhi himself (if you believe in rebirth).

Gandhi’s principles are simple yet difficult to practice. May be we can utilise his principles on as and when basis.

Finally, a quote that captivated my eyes…

“ An eye for an eye would make the whole world blind”. How true it is…

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